Monday, April 27, 2015

Prescription for Raising Your Vibration

Hi hi!  

I am excited to share this with you!  I have been chatting with several friends and it seems like life is giving them more challenges or is frustrating for them.  

And a couple of months ago, I was helping a friend who was going through a divorce and she was just struggling.  

So here's the "Prescription"  I gave her.

Daily Prescription:  to be done daily for the next 30 days

**Read a spiritual thought/scripture and pray.
**Do the daily energy routine...
**Daily Gratitude Journal...
**Tap everyday... 
**Clean eating... 
**Positive affirmations

Do what you can.  Start at the top of the list and add things as you go along.  

What are they all?  Good Question!!

Spiritual Thought:

Read a spiritual thought or scripture and pray... that's easy, most people doe this anyway... if not, add it into your routine... it's a great way to start the day. 

Maybe even have a buddy that you can share your thought with might be a good idea.  Also, it would be great to also add in an evening prayer.

Daily Energy Routine
This comes from Energy Guru Donna Eden, and some from Energy Therapist Carol Tuttle.

The Three Thumps
The Cross Crawl
The Triple Warmer Flush
The Crown Pull
The Wayne Cook Posture
The Spinal Flush
The Zip up

There are a lot of videos out there on these topics and they have been posted on my facebook page.  I will post them again.

I also like to add the lymphatic flush.  We have a heart that pumps our blood, but we have pump our lymph system and this is amazing... even if it hurts and it probably will.

Daily Gratitude Journal

A while back, discovered Crystal Wilkerson's blog and she posted a quote and a suggestion for a writing activity.  It was probably in conjunction with November, but it works anytime!!

So, you can do your own thing or you can use what is posted on facebook.  A new one will be posted daily.  This is for your own personal use, but feel free to post any insights you have on here or on the Journey to Joy facebook page.

Tap Everyday

Tapping has been one of the most interesting and powerful techniques that I have used.  I use it for all kinds of things.  There are lots of youtube videos out there on how to tap and for different subjects.  

Basically what Tapping does is it hits some key meridian points that allow our feelings to abate and basically get everything back to an even keel.  

Now, the interesting thing about tapping is that sometimes it works right away... but later it seems like the feeling is coming back... many people think that it didn't work, but the fact of the matter is that it did work... and sometimes additional tapping is required to go a little deeper and work on another layer... much like an onion.

For now, here's a great link for tapping by Jessica Ortner. It's voice only and it's very good. There's a morning tapping link and an evening link.  I always sleep better after I have tapped..  There's two parts to each session and it takes about 15 minutes or so... The first one is about the negatives and the second is for the positive!  It's great!  Try it!!


Everyone can benefit from exercise. AND you should feel energized after a workout.  If you are not... be sure to do the three thumps before you exercise to make sure your meridians are flowing the right direction!!

Exercise is a great way to work out the frustrations of the day... it helps you wind down by taking an evening walk.  Just make sure to walk for at least 30 minutes.  

Again, the buddy system is great with exercising and walking!  

Clean Eating:

This is not about dieting.  It's really about making better choices.  So many of our foods are processed and have the added bonus of GMOs.  It does take longer to fix meals, and yet, it's much simpler in some respects.  Listen to your body... what does it want.  

Try adding a salad (not iceburg lettuce) to each meal. Have veggies in the fridge for easy snacking.  Drink more water.  Give it a try... little by little and you will discover some good things happening. Also, try cutting back on sugar.  

A little tip that I just learned was that most of us are potassium deficient.  Most people think that banana's are rich in potassium, but the truth is, you would have to eat 10 or more bananas a day to reach your daily potassium requirement.  Veggies/salad/ green smoothies are a great way to add potassium to your diet and here's the cool thing:  When our bodies get the potassium we need, that sweet craving goes away.

Positive Affirmations:  

Try to use the words "I AM" when doing positive affirmations.  

I am happy.
I am finding friends easily.
I am making healthy meals for my family
I enjoy exercising.
I am excited for the day to begin
I am finding my true self
I love feeling the grass on my bare feet
I am finding joy in the little things etc.

These can be written, said out loud, sung, they are great while walking... you can make a recording and listen to them as you exercise or walk.  or even while sleeping.  Check out Louise Hay's book You Can Heal Your Life. 

Believe it or not, we do create our lives.  If you don't like what you are creating.... you have the power to change things.  And think of it this... if you created something this bad... without even trying... Imagine what you can create if you try.

Check back in a bit ... I will go into more detail for each of the categories!  In the meantime, try out the prescription and share your successes with me!!


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Journey to Joy

One of my favorite scriptures is found in the book of Mormon.  2nd Nephi 2:25 says, "Adam fell that men might be; men are that they might have joy."

Right now, my passion is to find joy.

This is a vibrational chart that lists different emotions and their vibrations.  On this chart we see that Joy's vibration is 540. 

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all find Joy.  That being said, Joy is a state of being, and while we might have glimpses of Joy, it might be difficult for many of us to remain in that state of being.  


Because it's not a familiar state of being...  

Carol Tuttle shared her mantra... "I am Happy!  Life is Easy! And it is Familiar!" She says in her book Remembering Wholeness that she would walk around saying this 50-100 times a day... because it wasn't familiar and she wanted it to be.

This blog is where I will record my "Journey to Joy" and I invite anyone to join with me.  It will be about different ways to raise our own personal vibrations and hopefully we can collectively raise the vibration of this planet.  

So today, check in on the scale... look at what number might correspond with your vibration... right now I feel in the range of 200-250... but earlier today I was about 75.  So what did I do to change that vibration, I listened to some uplifting music... (okay Christmas music) and I listened to General Conference talk today.  I also did some tapping (EFT). 

What are you doing to raise your vibration?

Please feel free to share tips about what works for you.